The “Twelve Days of Christmas” has become synonymous with the well-known Christmas carol of the same name first published in England in 1780 and believed to be of French origin. In actuality it is a period of time marking the celebration of Christmas from Christmas Day to Epiphany first decreed as such circa 567. It is also known as “Christmastide”.

The second day of Christmas is St. Stephen’s Day which commemorates the first Christian martyr and became a day in which to share leftover food from Christmas with the poor. In some countries, including Ireland, it is called Wren’s Day. In countries with a UK origin, it is also known as Boxing Day after the boxes that were opened on this day to share the alms with the poor. It is the day in which servants and tradesmen received their Christmas gifts from their bosses or employers which came to be known as a “Christmas box”. It was also tradition to give servants the day off in order to celebrate Christmas with their families.

On the second day of Christmas my true love sent to me…

Two Turtle Doves

~ two turtle doves and…


Until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

~An Old Irish Blessing~

Marian McCoy Boveri


Day Two: Copyright: <a href=’’>eireann / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

Day One:  Copyright: <a href=’’>eireann / 123RF Stock Photo</a>